In the new millennium, the world is moving towards multiple globalizations and becoming a global village with boundless interactions among countries and areas. Most societies in India are becoming more diversified, multifarious and demanding in development. How should the new generations be prepared for the future in such a fast-changing local and global environment?
In response to the future needs in the new century, a new paradigm is needed for reengineering education from the traditional site-bounded model to a new triplization model that includes globalization, localization and individualization in education for creating unlimited opportunities for the development of students’ contextualized multiple intelligence. With this new paradigm, the aims of education and the characteristics of schooling, teaching, learning, and curriculum design for the future are completely different from those in traditional site-bounded education. This paradigm provides a completely new foundation for re-formulating reform policies, re-conceptualizing leadership and re-engineering the education process and management.
We at Indeduc work conscientiously to customize the restructuring and re-engineering process of Educational Institutions to optimize the resources and magnify the outcomes.